April 29, 2015
Greater Franklin
Chamber of Commerce
Franklin Railroad & Community Museum
Present: Marc Burgin (Pres), Rich Costello (V.Pres), Trish Tyrell (Sec), Brian Brock, Ellen Curtis
Meeting called to order at 7:02pm.
A quick review of last month’s notes, including: use of school property during Franklin Day, review of the Kaatskill Life ad, and thoughts on the Annual dinner. Minutes were not made for this meeting (3/25) due to low attendance and input.
Marc reviewed a Treasurer’s Report, provided by Sarah. As of 4/29/15, there was $968.62 on hand at the bank. Income has been received from dues payments. A payment of $549 was made to Calicoon Insurance. Marc discussed the need to draft a Membership Renewal and Dues reminder to go out, and to speak with Sarah about getting a list of who had renewed so far.
A final colored draft of the Kaatskill Life ad was presented by Brian (created by Phil Warish), to be submitted at the end of this week. Discussion held about potential collaboration with the County Historical Society, with regards to a Turnpike Hiking/Biking/Walking Tour, as a possible event to bring people and business through the area.
Discussed Annual Dinner and difficulties thus far in locating a location and fitting menu. Trish motioned to not have an annual dinner, Rich seconded, motion carried. Rich motioned to host a Chamber Picnic, open to current and potential members (and family), Brian seconded, motion carried. Discussed having a pig roast, with minimal admission charge w/ at dish to pass. Tentative date is Saturday, July 18th. Trish will contact Betsy and Brian about the availability of the Blueberry Barn. Rich will contact someone about the pig and will contact Terri Whitney from Country Express about possibility of performing at the picnic. Letters, RSVP and ballots will need to be mailed soon. Ellen has a ‘party in a box’ with some basic essentials (ie- silverware) that can be used. We will need to get tables and chairs, possibly from the Fire Department.
Brian presented a letter drafted to send to local organizations encouraging interest and participation in Franklin Day. An email list of all the organizations will be created to send the letter to the lead contacts. Rich also suggested putting information soliciting interest on the Fire Department’s sign for a couple weeks.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm. Next meeting is May 27, 2015 at 7pm.