July 1, 2015
Greater Franklin Chamber of Commerce
Franklin Railroad and Community Museum
Present: Marc Burgin (Pres.), Rich Costello (VPres.), Trish (Sec), Helen McLean, Bill Gruber, Rebecca Costello
7:04pm meeting called to order.
Reviewed meeting minutes from May 27, 2015, and special meeting minutes from June 18, 2015. Rich motioned to accept the minutes, Ellen seconded, motion carried.
Marc reviewed Treasurer’s information: as of 4/29/15, balance on hand was $968.62. Expenses were $200 Graduate Award to Kenneth Jacobson. Income includes dues from memberships, totaling $280. Total balance on hand as of 6/30/15 is $1048.62. Marc provided report to Helen to help update membership directory.
Discussed Person and Business of the Year award. Dawn’s Deli was recommended by ballot for Business of the year. Marc motioned to award Dawn’s Deli, Trish seconded, motion carried. Cappy Beers and Carole & Gene Marner were recommended for Person of the Year. After discussion, Rich motioned to award both Cappy and the Marners for Persons of the Year. Marc will contact the recipients before the picnic.
An email letter will be going out to members tomorrow as a reminder of the picnic. Elections will be held at the picnic, with the slate to be elected including, at this time: Brian Brock for President, Rich Costello for Vice President, Ellen Curtis for Treasurer, and Trish Tyrell for Secretary. Additional nominations may be made at the meeting by members. Set up time for the picnic is TBD upon when Rich and Rebecca can get the tables and chairs from the Fire Department. Ellen will bring table cloths and other items for the picnic.
Rebecca will also ask Tom Worden, of the Fire Departmen, about what their activity plans are for Franklin Day in August. Marc got insurance information to be able to hand in the school use form. Additional music acts will be looked into including, Jason Starr and Carlton&Clay.
Next meeting- July 29, 2015, 7pm
At 8:22pm Trish moved to adjourn the meeting, Rich seconded, motion carried.