January 28, 2015
Greater Franklin
Chamber of Commerce
Franklin Railroad & Community Museum
Present: Marc Burgin (Pres.), Rich Costello (V. Pres), Bill Gruber, Ellen Curtis, Trish Tyrell (Sec)
Meeting called to order at 7:12pm.
Marc read the December meeting minutes, as copies were not available. Ellen moved to accept the minutes as read, Rich seconded, motion carried.
Discussed membership. Bill reported that he had received a list from Sarah, containing about 30 current members. There are possibly missing members, and there are several members on the website but not on the list.
Discussed sending Dues Requests out and separate them from the Annual Dinner invitations. With the start of the new year, excluding new members joined at the end of 2014, membership will be updated as dues payments are received. We will need addresses of all the members, a letter/invoice, mailing envelopes and stamps.
Marc reviewed a Treasurer’s Report, with information as of today’s date. The current balance is $730.63, with bills paid to Gibson Hill ($141.86) for computer services, The Liberanni ($60) for yearbook ad, and Kyle Gardner ($75). Income received, including Boy Scout Troop 8 donation ($300) and Star Carpentry membership fee ($35), balance will be $896.77.
Discussed placing an ad into the New Franklin Register advertising Franklin Community Day and seeking talent/events/idea, with contact through the website.
Discussed Kaatskill Life magazine full-page ad, using information provided through Brian Brock. Marc stated that the cost is $600. If six businesses were to sponsor an ad ($100/ea), promotion of businesses, the community and several events could be accomplished, hopefully drawing visitors. Tentatively there Franklin Stage Company, the Tulip & the Rose, Farmers’ Market, Durable Goods and Blue School House Antiques as potential sponsors. The bottom of the page will included community event dates, including the Memorial Day Parade, Franklin Community Day, Holiday Stroll, and website information. The ad must be reserved by April 25th, with copy due by May 5. The magazine is largely distributed.
Discussed the Community Directory, as Marc had received an inquiry of the CofC’s interest in purchasing a full page ad. There will be a feature story in the directory on Franklin, for the 180th anniversary of Delaware Literary Institute (DLI). The basic fee for a full-page feature is $570, with additional costs for various things. The Community Directory also has a community calendar listing of events for each town, and events can be listed for free.
Following discussion of both ads, Rich motioned to pursue the Kaatskill Life magazine ad as discussed, tabling an ad in the Community Directory for consideration next year, and listing community events in the community calendar listing of the directory for free. Ellen seconded, motion carried.
Marc reported that he also received a request from the PennySaver to updatethe organization’s information (ie- meeting date/time, location).
Marc provided copies of Unadilla CofC’s by-laws for review and discussed further at the net meeting. Marc advised that the County’s by-laws could also be found online for additional research. Bill advised that the County CofC does not offer direct assistance in getting tax exempt status.
Discussed Annual Meeting details. Potential dates for the dinner are 4/25, 5/2 or 5/9. Trish will look into hosting the dinner at the Franklin Stage Company, Bill will look into the Castle in Walton, and Rich will look into the Blue Berry Farm (Babcocks) and Sloan’s. Trish will need to draft invitations, dues letters, ballots for Person and Business of the Year. Ballots for voting for Person of the Year are generally available at Dawn’s, Burgin’s, Sarah’s, and Rich’s.
Post Cards were briefly discussed. There are a lot of images to choose from. Decided that selection will be made following pre-screening of all the photos.
Next meeting scheduled for February 25, 2015. Trish moved to adjourn the meeting, Rich seconded, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.