July 18, 2015
Greater Franklin Chamber of Commerce
First Annual Picnic
Babcock’s Blueberry Barn
Present: Marc Burgin, Don Hebbard, Marjorie Kellogg, Brian Brock, Bryan Babcock, Betsy Babcock, Steve Banks, Rich Costello, Ellen Curtis, Trish Tyrell
Guests: Louise Hebbard, Lee Cohen and Diana, Ana, Marjorie Banks, Gene and Carole Marner, Bob
Marc welcomed members and guests, thanked everyone for coming and sharing a dish at the first annual Greater Franklin Chamber of Commerce Picnic. Social hour and dinner were followed by the presentation of awards. A thank you note was read on behalf of Dawn of Dawn’s Deli, who was unable to attend the picnic. Rich recognized Person of the Year Cappy Beers, who was also unable to attend the picnic. Marc read a letter written by wife, Anne Burgin, in recognition of Carole and Gene Marner who were also presented Person of the Year award.
Officer slate was presented, with no other nominations made/accepted, and elections were held. Rich nominated Brian Brock for President, Marjorie seconded, motion carried. Trish nominated Rich Costello for Vice President, Marjorie seconded, motion carried. Marc nominated Ellen Curtis for Treasurer, Brian seconded, motion carried. Ellen nominated Trish Tyrell for Secretary, Rich seconded, motion carried.
Business was discussed briefly, regarding increasing membership and participation to bring business and prosperity to Franklin. A fall fundraiser was also briefly discussed.
Marc thanked Bryan and Betsy Babcock for hosting for the evening, and everyone again for attending and helping to contribute to a successful and enjoyable evening.