Greater Franklin Chamber of Commerce
Rich Family Farmhouse (574 Main St., Franklin)
Present: Brian Brock, Trish Tyrell, Marc Burgin, Ellen Curtis, Helen McLean, Bill Gruber, Don Hebbard
July/August meeting minutes were reviewed. Marc moved to accept the minutes, Ellen seconded, motion carried. Correspondence received from FCS Liberanni for ad, cost of $60. Marc motioned to place an ad, Trish seconded, motion carried. We are still in need of a Corresponding Secretary.
Treasurer’s Report:
Ellen provided a Profit/Loss statement reflecting 1/1/16-9/28/16, showing gross profit of $1,445, total expenses of $2,194.10, with net profit of -$749.10. There is currently $2,384.08 in the bank at this time. New old Franklin Day income and expenses need to be clarified. Trish advised that there were 4 direct paying vendors, and that at least one person became a chamber member to not have the vendor fee. Payment for the band was a donation. Any expenses related to advertising should be covered by the various organizations who have contributed in the past. Discussed separating the lines under Supply, within the financial report, to reflect the flags/banners, benches and OFD individually. It was noted that the fire extinguishers given to the Blueberry Barn cost a total of $27.82.
Ellen provided a detailed list of current paid members and unpaid former members. Discussed mailing invoices for persons not yet paid. If membership dues are not received, profile will be removed from the website. Discussed Turnings by Mark who paid both the OFD vendor fee and a membership fee accidentally. Decided to see if business owners of Turnings by Mark would allow for their over-payment to be applied to next years membership dues. It was agreed by all that dues received during the membership grace period, of Oct-Dec, would be applied to the next year’s membership.
Big Buck Contest:
Marc reported that bow season begins early this year, so posters for the contest would go up soon. He will double check that White’s Tractor Supply will continue to weigh the deer for the contest. Deadline to sign-up is the day before rifle season begins. Entry fee is $1, and the prize is $75. A new plaque was purchased last year, so there is plenty of room for the name of the winner.
Business Update:
The Town of Franklin voted to not provide a tax exemption for alternative energy (including solar, wind, and bio-fuel).
A report for the roundabout project at the 28/357 intersection is not yet available from DOT. Constitution Pipeline has filed with SEC, and ultimately admits that pipeline project cancellation is a possibility.
Shaw’s Motorcycle Shop is relocating to 357, from Cty Rte 14. The property is being re-zoned from residential to commercial property.
A bottle redemption center is planned at the 28/357 intersection, near JR’s Used Cars.
Franklin Eye Wear is open, Wayne Bank has officially changed over (from NBDC), the Rich Family Farmhouse has opened and is available to host organizational/public meetings, and Dawn is now making/serving breakfast at Wise Guy’s Pizza.
Flags and Benches:
Discussed postponing the purchase of stone for under the benches. Both the flags and the benches will be taken down in October.
Economic Survey:
Brian reported that it costs $.01/sheet for inserts in the NFR through the paper printer. Also going to ask printer if they have a business reply account. Making it easy for people to return the survey is a concern. Discussed having the survey put onto the website, with on-line submission ability. Additional changes to the survey were made, with input from group. An explanation/notice of the survey needs to be written and submitted for the NFR.
Upcoming Events:
Shop Local Saturday- will need to design posters encouraging patronage of local businesses for this occasion and throughout the holiday season. Discussed having a notice in a message box of the NFR for this date.
Christmas Stroll- Lisa Heimbauer is coordinating the houses of this event, which is going well. Will need to identify what organization is sponsoring this event, as there are tickets to be sold as a fundraiser.
Holiday Market- Jan Mulroy is coordinating the Holiday Market again this year.
Christmas Trees- The Chamber is responsible for ordering the trees, costing approximately $600, with other organizations providing financial contributions and the Rotary Club putting them up.
Holiday events take place the second Saturday of December. Discussed how best to advertise the event.
Next Meeting:
October 26, 2016, 7pm, at the Rich Family Farmhouse